A New ATILIM Group at a New City in NL
Following nearly two years of limitations of face to face education, universities opened their doors to students and Sihing Bedirhan Yavuz AKIN, son of Sifu AKIN, started academic study in Groningen, Netherlands. Being recently promoted to First Instructor Degree of ATILIM WingTsun, Sihing Bedirhan Yavuz AKIN immediately started his activities to start a new ATILIM WingTsun group in Groningen.
Yesterday (31 October) Sifu AKIN also visited Groningen and had some meetings with potential gyms to start the trainings.
Groningen being one of the most important student cities in Netherlands, among the European cities with the youngest population. The city, a population of 230.000, has around 56.000 students from 120 different countries.
ATILIM wishes success to Sihing BY AKIN at his new group.