ATILIM Nederland accredited to SBB

ATILIM Nederland is accredited to the Vocational Education and Training Business Association (SBB) as a work placement company. This accreditation is a great opportunity for MBO students who would like to pursue their careers as martial arts instructors.

ATILIM Nederland is in need of around 50 trainers to work for the franchise in the Netherlands. Following the accr itation procedures, ATILIM Nederland will continue to conduct seminars on business opportunities of becoming an instructor at ATILIM MartialArts and Wellness BV.

Becoming an instructor at ATILIM is a great way to touch the lives of people for the best of them - physically, psychologically, and spiritually while enjoying the job that the instructor dreams of.

Becoming an instructor is becoming a role model to the people at ATILIM and ATILIM does its best to improve the quality of its instructors.

If you would like to follow your dreams and touch the lives of people, get into contact with ATILIM Nederland to reserve your seat.

#SBB #workplacememnt #ATILIMNederland
